Conversation Atelier – Table Ronde


A Conversation Atelier

Our Conversation Atelier, la Table Ronde, is a small group of advanced or intermediate students with good conversation skills. Each participant makes a presentation in French on a subject of his/her choice. The subsequent discussion may focus on the presentation or branch out into a variety of topics.

The seminar meets weekly and is limited to 5 participants. If you are interested and comfortable making presentations in French, please contact us. Candidates will be interviewed.

  • Our teachers are native French speakers, fully qualified, experienced, and ready to listen to students’ needs.
  • We use an active, progressive, and dynamic methodology based on oral communication.
  • From the beginning, students have the opportunity to speak in French.

Conversation Atelier – Advanced Level – Fridays

Conversation Atelier – Intermediate Level – Tuesdays

Both Ateliers will meet at:

Time: 5:30pm to 6:30pm
Location: Intermediate – Pennington, NJ
Location: Advanced – Hopewell, NJ

Instructor: Jean-Baptiste Berthelin